Whole Body Cryotherapy
All over the world, ice swimming is a popular activity. Some do it to cool off. Others do it in conjunction with religious or cultural ceremonies. Still others do …
Alerting to potential whole body cryotherapy danger when it has been used for decades for a variety of purposes is intriguing. These days, it is not at all uncommon …
We hear more and more about the benefits of cryotherapy, but is it efficient for arthritis treatment ? Originally cryotherapy was used for rheumatoid arthritis in Japan where the …
Indeed there are hazards linked to whole body cryotherapy. There have been reports of accidents and mishaps but if you follow the instructions given you and disclose any health …
Cosmetic surgery and whole body cryotherapy are now going hand in hand. Plastic surgeons are more and more recommending cryotherapy to their patients after a procedure. Immersion in extreme …
You’re likely to have heard of it by now. You can hear the buzz, but you don’t quite know what to make of it. What is Whole Body Cryotherapy, …